Food and Beverage
In the near future the Food & Beverage sector will become more and more complex, fast, volatile, cost-sensible, regulated, segmented (consumer) and concentrated (trade, sub suppliers, competitors).
- Are you a food and/or beverage producer?
- Do you want to optimise your processes?
- How do you want to react on this development? What can you do NOW?
The combination of an excellent delivery readiness level, highest quality at an accurate price combined with optimised processes and structures is the foundation for a successful future. It is the right time for a reorganisation which enables you, under difficult conditions of the market and cost pressure, to react flexible on market changes.
This is custom heading element
How challenges of cost pressure can be handled and the planned growth be achieved at the same time? It can be assumed that your raw materials and packing materials, energy, staff costs, logistics and environment measures become more and more cost-intensive. Many companies leave the day-to-day operation to “cost change”, but 70-80% of the costs expected are influenceable.
Do you consider the following questions?
- Are you in detail aware of your product(ion)-related costs (f.ex. dairy industry, brewing industry, meat processing)?
- Are you missing details regarding the profitability of your products?
- Are you aware of the “cost traps” within your production process?
- Are „small batches“ illustrated correctly in the cost accounting and the income statement?
- Does calculation correctly consider co-products and ingredients?
- In what manner does the raw material evaluation and the assessment of semifinished products happen?
- Are your stocks too high and too inflexible in different locations? (finished products, raw materials, semifinished products) Are you stuck with „C products“?
- Do you suffer from intransparent performance parameters within your decentralised production units or locations?
- Are you complaining about nonproductive processes in administration as well as in production scheduling?
- Do you have the impression that the operative handling of different procedures is too extensive and error-prone? Are you aware of the failure and consequential costs which appear through the correction of errors? Are you aware of the performance of your internal standard procedures?
- Do you desire an integrated Supply Chain management, especially with regard to the alignment between capacity and sales, and the implementation of new products or the integration of new markets? Are you complaining about “bullwhip“ effects in your Supply Chain? Do you want to bring in line the demand and production plan, also in a supply network?
The entire Supply Chain is exposed to a high results and cost pressure. In this respect „added value“ also has to be generated in the future. How increasing complexity, higher flexibility, a faster innovation spiral and high cost pressure can be handled? This requires among others an integrated plan, strong focus and a high degree of integration ability.
Do you consider the following questions?
- Do your Supply Chain costs increase steadily? Do you want to evaluate or simulate the costs of your sourcing and distribution scenarios?
- Are you aware of the „cost traps“ within the production process and logistics?
- Are sales and logistics costs attributed reliably and transparently to customers and products?
- Are you internally working with different short- and medium-term sales planning figures? Are you in meetings focussing on discussions about accuracy and inaccuracy of different target figures instead of talking about measures for the achievement of turnover and profitability targets?
- Are you successful in implementing the process of launches effectively and with focus on customer requirements at a high frequency of innovation?
- Do you have the impression that purchasing, production, sales and marketing do not act well-integrated? Does it happen that supply bottlenecks occur owing to uncoordinated procedures?
- Are you complaining about overcapacities, ad-hoc orders or overtime hours?
- Are your stocks in different locations too high and inflexible?
- Are you aware of the latest industry standards for the processes of Supply Chain? (f.ex. SMI, VMI, EDI, DESADV)?
- Do you have the impression that the process for empties management and reusable means brings along disadvantages?
- Are you struggling with incorrect product information and specifications?
- Are you missing a structure in the recipe management? Do your data come from different sources?
- Do you have the certainty that your traceability process would also properly work in the case of a “product incident“?
Mostly profitable growth can only be reached through innovation. A “make the difference“ mentality is the key concept. An innovation does not necessarily have to be a component of R&D. Innovative companies are characterised by cooperative customer processes, flexible channels of distribution, geographical expansions, business restructuring and internal process innovations. In the course of this they always pay attention to their cost targets and their productivity. For this purpose they need appropriate structures, processes, key figures and standards to lead the transition efficiently to a profitable growth.
Are you concerned with the following questions?
- Did you create your strategy plans for your products, marketing, areas of authority, market positioning and Supply Chain based on your business model? Did you also develop tools to measure success consistently and through standardised procedures?
- How do your financial / non-financial control parameters in the individual sections look like? Are they consolidated on a central level?
- Do you suffer from intransparent performance parameters within your decentralised business units or locations?
- Do you want to increase your contribution margin? Are you aware of your product(ion)-related costs in detail? Are you deducting your soucring, sales and pricing strategies from it?
- Are you missing details regarding profitability of your products at single customers? (customer profitability)
- Are you planning to merge with other business partners and to simultaneously optimise processes?
- Are you complaining about nonproductive procedures after a restructuring?
- Are you missing a current customer plan at the sales conversation and the possibility to simulate sales measures on site and to fix them immediately?
- Are sales and logistics costs attributed reliably and transparently to customers and products?
- Are you aware of the performance of your internal (especially effort intense) standard procedures?
- Does your trading partner complain about a low service rate, especially with regard to your realisation of actions?
You know best how you can achieve the difference with regard to your competitors. The focus lies in an excellent delivery service, in powerful and efficient operative processes towards the customer and not least in the effectivity of your profit- and turnover-furthering sales measures. In the course of this you always have an eye on the long-term success in the relationship with the customer.
Do you consider the following questions?
- Do your trading partners wish a higher degree of service, especially during the operation period?
- Are your customers satisfied with the efficiency of your order and invoicing process? Are you complaining about nonproductive (internal and external) processes?
- Do your customers give a negative feedback about quality of your product data information and data sheets? Do they complain about errors?
- Are you aware of the performance key figures which trade uses for the evaluation of suppliers?
- Are you measuring them steadily? Are you exchanging views at a sales conversation with your customers about the measures related? Have you installed a continuous improvement process?
- Shall your external work / your publisher / your distributors process-technically be integrated with you?
- Does trade want to implement innovative and ECR-compliant processes with you? Do you think that your processes correspond to the trends and requirements of trade?
- Are you searching for transparency in the condition system? Are you missing details regarding profitability of your products at single customers?
- Do you wish a convincing and rolling transparency in turnover and profitability (currently and planned)?
- Do you want to increase effectivity of sales conversation ad-hoc and on site by the use of latest business data (turnover, plan, simulation of measures, real-time agreement, investment planning, product information and folders)?